Last updated on October 30, 2023
Moving house is a very involved task. There’s so much to worry about and try to remember to do, that one thing often gets overlooked: how to move with your plants? In terms of the actual moving part your cheap removalists in Western Sydney or Sutherland will be able to move it safely however you go, but there are ways you can improve your potted plant moving techniques and we’ve got the tips for you.
- Prune Them Before the Move
Plants need pruning, whether you’re moving or not. Before you move them from place to place though, make sure to prune them well by trimming off the dead leaves/ flowers and cutting back to allow them to flourish in their new home. Your removalists in Maroubra or North Shore will be very appreciative of not having to clean up dead flowers or leaves from their truck floor too!
- Look Closely at Where it Can Be Put in the New Place
Some plants, no matter how large or how flourishing they seem to be, can be very sensitive. Some plants love getting more sun, or less sun, some like dark corners, and some like being out in the open. Either way, make sure to scope out your new place in advance to know where to give your plants their new home, as even just a few days or weeks in the wrong spot could spell devastation for your plant.
- Before moving, Replace the old Soil with Fresh Soil
By changing the soil you’re giving the plant a rich vein of new nutrients, and also ensuring that you don’t bring any bugs with you to the new place. Soil is generally pretty cheap and well worth the time invested.
- Pack them Properly
Protect them from heat, cold, sunlight, and wind whilst moving. All of these things could be intensified by a move and so wrap them up in paper or foil depending on the type of plant and their preferences for heat and light. Your expert removalists in Hornsby or Bondi can help you with some of the tools to wrap the plants up if needed too.
- Store Plants Safely for the Move
You don’t want to put them in the boot of the car if you’re moving that way. What you want to do, is put them in the footwell of the rear passenger seat, upright. Usually, there is a good wedge of space to keep them in place and to minimize the motion effects of driving.
- Tend to Them During the Move
If the weather is particularly hot, you might want to consider giving them a drink of water on the move to keep them hydrated or stopping in a shaded area and opening the window a crack to allow some fresh air to flow around.
- Consider Using a Dolly or Flatbed Trolley
Plants and all the soil and the pot combined can get massively expensive before long. Save yourself from the pain of moving and protect your back and joints by using a trolley.
- Tend to them After Your Move
Make sure you pay attention to them once you have moved. You might find that your plants wilt or struggle at first, but be conscious of where they might want to live permanently within your new home and make sure they get well-fed.
- If too Large, Take a Cutting
If your plant is too large to move, or inconvenient, or you are downsizing, you can take a cutting, put it in a small pot, and allow new growth to thrive. You can also check out our post on tips to move from a big house to an apartment efficiently, which might help you with other aspects of your move too.
- Consider Repotting into Plastic Pots for the Move
If they are too heavy, or the pots you have are quite expensive, fragile, or meaningful, you may want to consider repotting them into plastic pots just for the move. This might also free up your large, oversized pots for storing other things for your move or it may mean just moving the pots as they are, and reducing the risk of both injury and also damage to the pot.
So here are our tips. Remember, moving doesn’t have to be hard, so long as you remember to plan out what you are doing and hire a reputable removalist to help you with the process.