• April 18, 2018
  • Bill Chen

Last updated on October 30, 2023

“The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” -Confucius

There is no doubt that relocating is a stressful event. In fact, many writers such as commentators, experts, and bloggers have written about the top stressful events in a person’s life. Will Stone in his article titled “Divorce? That’s not as stressful as moving home” notes that the results of research studies show that relocating ranks higher than divorce, a new job, or the end of an intimate relationship.

Moving House Planning

Experience a stress-free move

Consequently, it is easy to question why moving is so stressful. However, the better question to ask is how to reduce stress levels when moving to a new home.

Therefore, if you have to move to a new home (whether interstate or to a new city in the same state), here are several tips to help you plan a stress-free move:

Choose the right removalists

Your stress levels during the entire move (from the planning to the executing phases) will largely depend on the removal company you engage to move your furniture and household possessions. If your removalists are incompetent and do a shoddy job, your anxiety levels will be very high. In this context, the converse is also true.

Ergo, your starting point should be to hire a team of competent removalists. Thus, if you are moving to (or from) the Inner West, Sydney, it is vital to hire a reliable team like removalists Chippendale.

Sort through your possessions before your move

It is human nature to hoard goods such as kitchen appliances, furniture, and various utensils. After all, it seems to be worth keeping as much as possible in case you might need it one day.

At this juncture, it is essential to bear in mind the more possessions you move, the higher the moving cost. Therefore, it is worthwhile going through all the goods stored in your home and decide what to keep, what to donate, and what to throw out. Apart from approaching this exercise as a cost-saving exercise, it is critical to sort out your possessions before you move if you are downsizing.

An added benefit of just moving the essential household items is that you will be able to purchase new appliances and furniture for your new home.


Part of ensuring a stress-free move is to plan your move properly beforehand. Thus, it is essential to pin down exact date that you need to move during the initial planning phases. This will allow you to plan for time to sort out and pack up your household possessions.

It is a terrible idea to leave everything to the last minute as packing up your home in a rush will increase your stress levels. It will also lead to your move costing more because you haven’t had time to determine what needs to be packed and moved and what needs to stay behind. Finally, last-minute packing can also lead to the risk of your furniture and household goods being damaged and broken during the move.

Reliable Removalists

Final thoughts

Moving to a new home does not need to be a stressful event. Apart from the suggestions mentioned above, here are several more easy tips for moving house planning to help you plan and execute a successful move smoothly and seamlessly.

After all, a stress-free move is the primary aim of everyone who has to relocate to a new address!

Bill Chen

About The Author

Bill Chen

Before 2008, Bill was working with a local removalist company in Sydney and was witness for a number of deformities and wrongs in the working of the company. Observing the atmosphere, a thought came to Bill’s mind that he could do much better if he were the owner of the company, by offering a fully transparent service to the clients with a friendly and trustworthy staff and no hidden fee structure; and thus, in 2008, AAA Bill Removalists Sydney was formed with just one truck and only Bill as staff. Even if Bill Chen began the company as just one man, the company grew fast. The operation expanded beyond the Sydney suburbs and to the surrounding cities: Wollongong, Wagga Wagga, Albury, Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast, Coffs Harbour, Canberra, Newcastle, Melbourne, Brisbane, and other.